Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Esha, Ahana to join Hema Malini on her pilgrimage to the Lok Sabha

Dream Girl Hema Malini had the most divine experience during her journey from Delhi to her Lok Sabha constituency in Mathura. She was showered with flowers all through the journey. 
Speaking from Mathura while trying to balance a dozen meetings, public rallies and road shows for the next 24 hours, Hema said, "It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I travelled to Mathura from Delhi by car. It was a 5-hour journey. Throughout there were supporters of the BJP and my fans showering rose petals on me. I felt I was being divinely blessed for a very tough job ahead." 
This is Hemaji's first attempt to contest for the Lok Sabha, and she has her entire family's support. 
Says the tireless diva,"No woman has ever won a Lok Sabha seat from Mathura. So if I win it would be a victory on many levels for me and my party." 
The BJP surprised Hemaji by offering her a Lok Sabha ticket. "I thought so far my party only saw me fit for the Rajya Sabha. And I was happy doing whatever I could. But when the part high command asked me if I would like a Lok Sabha ticket I was pleasantly surprised. It's a responsibility which I intend to take very seriously." 
The one most worried by Hemaji's decision to contest the Lok Sabha elections was her husband. "Dharamji was skeptical. 'Tum kar paaogi? Would you be able to do it? From the Rajya Sabha to the Lok Sabha is a big leap.'He worries too much about me. He thinks I take on more than I can manage. But I assured him contesting elections from Mathura is like a home-coming for me." 
Hemaji feels a deep affinity to Mathura. "It is the birth-place of Lord Krishna. And I've always been very closely bonded to Lord Krishna. He is my first love. I've been dancing to His tune since childhood. Somewhere he must have heard and seen my devotion and beckoned me to Mathura." 
In spite of the protests the lovely actress felt an immense satisfaction when she arrived in Mathura on Tuesday. "There are people in the party who feel, 'Isskokyon ticket diya. What has she done?' I want to tell them, I'm not in politics to flash my smile and look beautiful. During my tenure in the RajyaSabha I was certainly not a sleeper parliamentarian." 
She has big plans for Mathura. "There is unlimited scope for improvement in so many areas. I intend to make the best of the opportunity. There is a definite Narendra Modi wave in the air. We are all very upbeat." 
Hemaji would soon be joined in Mathura by her family. "Esha and Ahana will be here with their husbands to campaign for the party. Not only did my daughters offer to be here, my sons-in-law said, 'Aap wahanpe ho hum bhiaayenge.' I think I am very lucky to have such a supportive family." 
Dharamji is also expected tojoin his wife in Mathura. "He has to be here when I file my nomination papers. He is very shy of large public gatherings. But he will address the people of Mathura for my sake."

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